5 Feet of Fury

Clash of the midgets: Occupy protesters crash Christian march

Oh brother:

At one point, two women began kissing each other, despite Rancourt’s strong objections.

“They were making out in the audience and it’s not for me to judge other people, it’s not for me at all. And I don’t judge them. Hey, like most people, I enjoy sex, too, but I do it at home. You don’t have to do it at a public meeting for the only reason to disrupt the meeting.”

He said he’d given protesters too much slack last year, a mistake he vowed wouldn’t be repeated.

“Last year, I went the other way too much. More free speech. And this year, I said no. We were at the sex parade . . . let’s call it what it really is. What do you imagine when you say pride? You’re proud of something. What we call it (the London Pride Festival parade) is the sex parade.