I don’t do debate/panels on radio and TV anymore because just watching them gives me a rash, let alone taking part.
But Colin Flaherty was kind enough to invite me on his show, so…
I’ve posted about his amazing book White Girl Bleed a Lot before; if his name sounds familiar, that’s because he’s very bravely written tons of stuff at WND about the rise of black vs white crime in Obama’s America. (And been praised for doing so by Thomas Sowell.)
At least over the phone, Colin comes across as courtly, engaged and totally on the ball.
His co-host and brother John on the other hand?
Alas, he’s a liberal, so…
I was asked to come on their radio show today to talk about what conservative talk radio hosts have been saying about Joe Biden. (Colin and John’s show is based in Biden’s state of Delaware.)
Naturally, I started off with Rush Limbaugh and mentioned that his nickname for Biden is “BiteMe.”
John exhaled impatiently. “Limbaugh was fired for what he said about Donovan McNabb, so…”
“Yes,” I replied, “and that was wrong, because all Limbaugh did was say aloud what every other sports fan was thinking: that Donovan was overhyped. Sports writers wanted Donovan to succeed because he was black, but feared he might not live up to the hype. Sure enough, Rush turned out to be right about that.” As many non-conservatives have been forced to admit.
Colin wisely tried to steer us back to Biden. I mentioned some of his latest goofs.
Weirdly, John mentioned Limbaugh again, noting that he makes lots of mistakes on air too.
I don’t agree with that, but simply pointed out that Limbaugh, unlike Biden, isn’t second in line for the Presidency, can’t raise anyone’s taxes or send anyone to war.
I also (quite seriously) wondered if Biden’s brain tumor was back, and added that Democrats have been shy about being honest about their medical records since JFK, and that Obama hadn’t released his, either.
“Why doesn’t Romney release his tax returns,” John said, clearly believing (not for the first or last time) that he’d bested me.
“I think the average American cares more about their own tax returns, and what may or may not be in their personal ‘income’ line this year, than they are about Romney’s taxes.”
Then a hysterical black caller phoned in to ask me why “we think Biden was talking about slavery when he mentioned ‘chains’ in his speech.”
Colin explained that Biden was speaking to a mostly black audience and was clearly pandering.
“Well, I’m Southern and I’m black and I talk that way, saying ‘y’all’ and so on like Biden,” the black caller said.
“Thanks for making my point,” I shot back. “You just said black and Southern and say ‘y’all.’ Biden, a white Northener, was clearly and offensively imitating a black person. Cheap pandering.”
Well, he ran off but then Colin announced that the show was very honored to have some local Dem pol call in.
“We’ve tried to get him on here before, but somehow, Kathy Shaidle’s presence has inspired him to phone us.”
The (presumably) black Democratic operative uttered lots of boilerplate stuff about how he’s known Biden personally for years and what a great guy he is.
“And besides,” he added, “What do you have to say, as a woman, about the mean-spirited things Akin said about abortion? What about a woman’s right to control her body? What about a woman’s right to choose??”
“Interesting,” I answered. “I love being hectored by a man about abortion. Isn’t that what you always accuse the other side of doing?”
I then described late term abortion in graphic detail and congratulated America for at least — unlike Canada — having some restrictions on “this barbaric practice.”
“Besides,” I added, “Akin was originally funded by Democrats, no? Isn’t he your problem…?”
Cricket chirp.
Throughout this interview, it was amusing if distracting to hear John Flaherty sighing and huffing impatiently in the background, as I scored point after point.
Liberal men are so funny.
It was also funny (and stupid) that all three men signed off with me by chirping, “I hope you come over to the right side and join the Democratic Party!” — even though I carefully explained to each one separately that, being Canadian, I had no such option even if I were inclined to do so.
Liberals: Your sophisticated intellectual superiors!!
What an exhausting 10 minutes or so, though. Dear me, how do some professional pundits engage with these twits — not you Colin! — every day?