Yes, during their first encounter with Israeli-Flag-Cyclist, they recommended “that he not try to ‘lead the Al Quds march on his bike with the flag'” — which is what he was cheekily trying to do in this photo. We saw the whole thing and were laughing our asses off.
But as for a “very pleasant exchange”?
We all know that starting around 20 years ago, maybe with the LAPD, cops were taught to speak in that phony, sarcastic, patronizing “Sir what I’m gonna need for you to go ahead and do for me for me right now sir” fashion.
I witnessed a later encounter, and the cop told the cyclist to… well, that’s just it: he was telling him to go away without actually telling him to go away, because he couldn’t very much say that in so many words.
“Pleasant,” yes. But still intimidating and borderline fascist.
(PS: My husband took that photo, FrontPage. Just sayin’)