5 Feet of Fury

Sun News, my husband declared ‘the leading anti-Semities in Canada’ (!?)

MuslimPerspectives posted a hilarious article last month that’s just getting our attention now.

The inaccuracies will provide those in the know with minutes of amusement — and annoyance if, like me, you didn’t make the cut.

(I guess because I’m clearly a “Lubavitch Hasidic Jew with a cheap wig.”)

Highlights include:

Note the twisted Muslim style “logic” at work here, and you’ll understand why these folks never win Nobel Prizes:

When JDL, Arnie or Sun bullies and target other communities unfairly, some within the community unfortunately become anti-Jewish, that in turn provides more ammunition to these hatemongers and makes the rise of anti-Semitism a self-fulfilling prophecy, encouraging immigration of Canadian Jews to Israel.

Shorter version?

“It’s not me, it’s you!”

And the accusations against Sun News are particularly funny in light of this, from a couple of days ago: