5 Feet of Fury

Once again: Do. Not. Accept. The. Premise.

Rush is the expert on this:

There’s a theory that you go in and tell the truth.

And it sounds good.

But the problem with that is you’re accepting the premise and you’re always on defense.  And what has to happen here is somehow Obama and his team need to be the one on defense.  Otherwise, the Romney campaign is always defending themselves.  Against lies! When you start defending yourselves against lies told about you…  I’ve been there, folks.  When people lie about you and you try to defend yourself, you’re still defending.  You’re still on defense.  And in the process, you are accepting the premise. (…)

So is responding to lies with the truth the way to go?  That’s what most people’s gut reaction is.  But I’m telling you: When you do, you’re accepting the premise and then on defense.

Do you remember my saying, “By definition, when you’re on defense, you’re not advancing the ball.  You’re not moving forward.”  

And a reminder of why Limbaugh makes $40-million a year:

…how did she get diagnosed if she didn’t have health care?