5 Feet of Fury

Rainbow coalition!! Gays vs Blacks, part two

It came to the fore during Prop 8.

As you already know, it’s back, and (appropriately enough!) it’s “going both ways”:

Newspapers in Atlanta – and the rest of the country – are getting more and more perplexed about what to do with citizen reporters not trained to ignore racial violence.

Such was the case when hundreds of black people raged through a crowd at an outdoor summer movie festival in an Atlanta “gay” neighborhood. One witness was so unhappy at the newspaper’s lack of coverage, he reported it himself on YouTube.

“What happened last night (June 3) at Screen on the Green was not simply ‘fights’ between unruly teens as the local TV stations would like their audiences to believe. These savages went ape—- and hunted down ‘gays’ and lesbians to attack!” the report said.

They specifically began targeting members of the LGBT community around Blake’s and along 10th St. The local news media is acting as if this were a simple scuffle and that’s totally unacceptable.

“It was like a riot in a third world country,” the report said.

Oddly enough!