5 Feet of Fury

Damn, I forgot ‘Inseminoid’! (Contains bonus Sage Stallone info)

When I listed “movies that scared me away from ever having a baby,” I forgot that one.

Street Carnage has the top 5 preg-sploitation flicks, including a couple I’ve never heard of:

Jerry Gross, the mastermind behind such drive-in classics such as I Drink Your Blood and The Cheerleaders, brings us this little slice of late-60s local drama with a trailer featuring the slogan, “TEENAGE MUTHA! MEANS NINE MONTHS-A TRUBBA!” The relatively tame high-school melodrama (made to deceptively look far more trashy in the film’s trailer) is centered around bubble-headed sexpot Arlene Sue and an attractive Euro-dame Sex-Ed teacher who spends most of the movie looking like she’d rather be in Dresden during the Allied bombings.

Arlene Sue gets knocked up and the crusading Sex-Ed teacher gets blamed for the information she’s imparted upon the students and then is nearly raped by the local high-school drug dealers.

And no, I had no idea before I found that link for I Drink Your Blood, that the late Sage Stallone was a “film preservationist.” Not quite like Scorcese, is, mind you. But according to this site, he was a principal at Grindhouse Releasing, which seems to concentrate on restoring Italian giallos and 70s cannibal and other exploitation stuff.

Again, some of these are new to me. Who wouldn’t watch An American Hippie in Israel and Gone With The Pope?