5 Feet of Fury

Yeah, but Phillipinos have so very little to boast about

It seems a shame to snatch this away from the little buggers, too…

Philippine police say mass shootings similar to the one at the Aurora, Colo., theater are unlikely due to the nation’s strict gun control laws, ABS-CBNnews.com reported Saturday.

What Chief Superintendent Cerbo and the reporters for the news division of the Phillipines-based global media conglomerate who are taking his claims at face value don’t mention is the Maguindanao Massacre, committed less than three years ago, when mass graves containing 57 bodies, were found.

This blind faith note-taking and regurgitation by “reporters” is curious, because among the dead were 34 journalists, abducted and slaughtered in the massacre, billed as “the deadliest single attack on the press ever documented” by the Committee to Protect Journalists, which “had earlier branded the Philippines the second most dangerous place for journalists in the world behind Iraq.”

The massacre also included 22 female victims the convoy was counting on “to avoid violence,” as rivals traditionally “call for a ceasefire when women are involved, and in the presence of media.”

“Practically all” of the women had been shot in the genitals and evidence points to their having been raped before being killed. Another account lists the number of female dead at 24, adding that some were beheaded and one was pregnant.