5 Feet of Fury

What part of ‘bite me’ don’t you understand? Or, The mass beta faggotry at The Good Men Project proceeds apace

Bear with me while I do my best impression of a leftist feminist…

(Clears throat.)

In response to Josh Bowman’s sucky, factually challenged post about the Aurora massacre, I left a comment.

Luckily I posted the comment on my own blog because, wouldn’t you know it, Josh Bowman at The Good Men Project didn’t approve it!

Why are the feminist “men” at The Good Men Project trying to silence women’s voices??

Ah yes, they play a good game, but deep down, The Good Men Project participants are no better than every other man on earth:

They can’t stand the sound of “shrill, uppity” righteously angry females, so they snuff them out!

What is the difference between the beta male circle jerk known as The Good Men Project refusing to post my comment, and the killer of 14 female engineering students during the Montreal Massacre?


Both aimed to silence women who don’t know their place — but we shall not be silenced!

Death to the fascist insect who preys upon the lives of the people!!