5 Feet of Fury

Anti-Omar Khadr event in Toronto a big success

Two petitions are being circulated calling for terrorist Khadr to be outlawed from Canada or charged with treason if he is allowed to return to his native Scarborough, ON, in east end Toronto.

Concerned residents there have handed out flyers outside the homes of Khadr’s mother and uncle to alert neighbours that he could be moving back to the area.

“I think our message is getting across. People realize that we are concerned citizens and not paid lobbyists,” Kapoor, said. “Khadr remains a dangerous threat because of his radical family and al-Qaida roots, plus he has not been de-radicalized at Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay in Cuba).”

The Toronto-born Khadr pleaded guilty in 2010 to five charges brought before a controversial U.S. military tribunal, including killing Sgt. Christopher Speer in Afghanistan in July 2002.

Arnie videotaped the event and will have that up later.