5 Feet of Fury

Thank God black people love Twitter: that’s where the REAL story of the Toronto shooting is being told

Who needs newspapers when you have Reddit?

Cops always bitch about “witnesses not coming forward.” “Snitches get stiches”, etc.

But there they are on Twitter, ratting each other out!!

Sigh. We picked our own cotton for nothing…

Thanks to the loyal 5FF reader who sent this in…

He’d been planning this party since July 7th. The pictures indicate that a ‘hennesey party’ is exactly what it sounds like: a party w/ lots of hennesey liquor provided.

This guy apparently anticipated that problems might happen at the party. This girl, too. This guy too. So this could be the result of a pretty well-known beef.

Then this comment — looks like one party got mixed up with the “hennesey” party?

It was a community barbecue… sort of. There were signs up all through the week advertising it.

Toddlers are up at 11pm on a Monday night for a “community BBQ”?

Seems people just decided to host their own style of party on top of what was already planned.

UPDATE: ‘Block parties popular part of Toronto black community life”

Calypsonian Dick Lochan, a.k.a. The Juiceman, said flyers are usually handed out to promote the blocko, which is common in some Caribbean countries like Trinidad and Jamaica.

Lochan said partiers usually pay a cover charge to attend the event, traditionally taking place in a vacant parking lot, where food and drink tents are erecte

Local entertainers said many blockos – a premier venue to launch new bands – are planned around Caribbean Carnival this month when many tourists are in town.

Community activist and writer William Doyle Marshall said blockos became popular after residents from neighbourhood blocks began staging local parties.

“These parties are opened to everybody,” Doyle Marshall said. “There is a lot of drinking and dancing at these parties and they can go all night.”

Normal people with jobs don’t party all night, especially on weeknights.

I repeat what I said years ago when I was slagged as a “racist” for bringing it up:

That black mother of four who was shot dead at an “after-hours” club had no business being there.

Normal mothers do not hang out at nightclubs, let alone into the wee hours.

And civilized people spend their time productively, not “partying” constantly with violent losers.

The only thing “Caribbean” immigrants have (inadvertently) brought to Canada is improved triage techniques in our ERs.

UPDATE: Halls of Macadamia not thrilled…

The area where the shootout happened in Scarborough is part of Toronto Community Housing. Danzig Street is home to hundreds of people who live in community housing and were taking part in a street party.

Community housing,” huh? That’d be the place where all the “welfare recipients”, er… community services clients live, right? Interesting how so many of the “professional” journalists skipped over that small detail.

So what’s the deal here?

Gene Jones, president and CEO of Toronto Community Housing told reporters he said he doesn’t have any magic solution, but finding jobs for disenfranchised youth could go a long way to keeping them out of gangs.

That’s funny… we find jobs for people these days? So they won’t shoot people?

On what page of the Capitalist Pig manual did you find that little gem, Gene?

What you actually mean is make jobs up, right? How’s that working out for you?

“Toronto politicians were shocked to hear the alleged Eaton Centre shooter had a City of Toronto job working with kids up until two weeks ago.”

And, not to put too fine a point on it… where exactly do these destitute folks get money for massive block parties… not to mention guns & ammo?