5 Feet of Fury

‘The Last Little Abortion Clinic in Mississippi’

Jim Goad writes:

I started to notice that it was nearly impossible to endorse abortion without in some way supporting basic eugenic precepts.

It’s difficult to argue that all living humans are equal if you also support snuffing the unborn in the womb because they’re “unwanted” (…)

Pro-choice leftists revealed their perhaps subconscious eugenic prejudices merely in their descriptions of the Magnolia State’s dysgenically pro-life denizens.

Although Mississippi is the blackest state in the country, it’s assumed that when people disparage “Southerners” and all the unflattering statistics about Southern states, they’re always talking about white people. (…)

[M]arrying your first cousin is illegal in Mississippi—such a regressive practice is reserved for fortresses of ignorance such as New York and California.