5 Feet of Fury

Comic assaulted by heckler; cops refuse to press charges

We live in a heckling culture!!

Now, you can throw a glass at a comedian with no ramifications? George Carlin was made famous by his “Seven Words” bit. Maybe in this day and age society, you can get together and let comedians know the 7 topics that you won’t censor. How about if we talk about lint? Oh no. I am sure that there is a lint society. What about clouds then? Absolutely not, cumulous’ have been through too much!

And as far as heckling is concerned– consider a professional sporting event. If I don’t like how the team is playing and I think I can do better, do I just jump down on the field and take the ball? NO – because I will get arrested. Thrown out of the stadium and fines imposed.

Comedy is or maybe WAS the last bastion of free speech. Who will standup for the standups?

RELATED10 Most Satisfying Cases of Hecklers Getting Destroyed.