5 Feet of Fury

Toronto bullet ban b.s. still not settled, Adam Vaughn still a beta twat

“Cold, dead hands,” sonny.

Toronto doesn’t have a “bullet” problem or a “gun” problem.

Toronto has a “criminal” problem.

And Toronto has an “immigrant” problem.

These shooters almost always come from primitive areas where Anglo-Saxon concepts of law & order and conflict resolution are foreign.

Adam Vaughn says:

“If we can prevent a suicide, if we can prevent a domestic assault, if we can make a police officer’s life more safe then the ban will have achieved something.”

Besides the fact that that is a stupid cliched argument, one could just as easily argue that if the availability of bullets prevents “just one” “aspiring rap artist” from cutting a shit record, that would “achieve something,” too.

(Notice how they’re always “aspiring rap artists” and never “aspiring brain surgeons.”)