5 Feet of Fury

‘When libertarians, paleocons, neocons, and Republicans are confronted with a shrieking liberal they usually shoo it away’

Gavin McInnes has another strategy:

Liberals hate big business and the white men who run it because the whole thing reminds them of their father. Dad was disappointed in them for spending tens of thousands of his dollars at NYU taking Japanese Animation & New Media.

Therefore, massage their own daddy complexes by pretending to hate the rich white male father figure as much as they do. (…) Say, “These guys aren’t entrepreneurs. They’re slave drivers.”

Then you can add, “That’s the saddest part about illegal immigration. It only benefits rich whites in both countries.

“Poor Mexicans on both sides of the border are worse off for it, and black workers in California are the first ones to lose jobs to illegal—sorry—undocumented workers.”

Don’t say, “Multiculturalism is a weakness,” because the liberal hears, “Having a variety of restaurants scares me because I’m racist.”

Instead say, “High schools in California have metal detectors and the tension between blacks and Hispanics is getting so bad, it’s bordering on a race war. Why? So rich whites can ‘steal’ another $100 million.”