5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer on male hair length throughout the late 20th century

Sailer is the Malcolm Gladwell of people with brains…

Trying to figure out the story behind this weird anomaly led me to a 2003 article entitled “Hippie Roots & The Perennial Subculture” by Gordon Kennedy and Kody Ryan. They make the case for the origins of the hippie phenomenon in late-19th-century Germany: nudism, hiking (Wandervogel), health food, and the whole back to nature “life reform” business. It’s all more or less German.

This helps explain an odd phenomenon I noticed while hiking with my father in the Hollywood Hills above Laurel Canyon in the 1960s-1980s: About one out of four people we’d pass on the trails would reply to “Good day” with “Guten tag” or a Nordic equivalent…

PS: The best — that is, truest — song in Hair isn’t “Hair”. They accidentally summed up everything wrong with these people in a little song: