5 Feet of Fury

Evicted by the Landlords of Social Media: my NEW piece at Taki’s

Don’t be too smug about the impressive network of blogs and other sites we’ve constructed, conservatives and libertarians.

If you’re relying on Facebook, Blogger, YouTube or a free WordPress to get your message out, you could be silenced in seconds.


The real problem isn’t Facebook’s drunken lurching between censorship and freedom (while insisting, like every blotto college boy, that they’re “totally not drunk, dude” and it’s the rest of us who need to “chill”).

The problem is that there is only one Facebook.

That’s worrisome because: a) Facebook may be dead within the decade, and b) even if it survives, its “progressive” culture will become more entrenched as younger and even more brainwashed hipsters get their key cards to the Palo Alto campus.

I’ve been a chorus of (almost) one making the unpopular argument that conservatives and libertarians do not need yet another news site or opinion aggregator to compete in an increasingly redundant marketplace already crowded with Townhalls and DailyCallers and NewsMaxes and their dozens of imitators.

Had Andrew Breitbart truly been a visionary, he’d have invested in free-speech-friendly versions of Facebook, Blogger, and WordPress, which regularly shut down “right-wing” blogs when leftists file complaints.