5 Feet of Fury

I want Bernie Farber charged with ‘cliche speech’

Bernie Farber: The reason Yiddish has a hundred words for “stupid.”

In this piece, Farber congratulates himself for “coming to see” that this or that was wrong with our hate speech laws and the Human Rights Commissions.

Of course, as I’ve said before, any intelligent 12 year old who’d accidentally caught Fahrenheit 451 on TVO of an evening could have told him that twenty years ago.

Section 13 was invented by and for a tiny number of Canadian Jews.

They wanted to play out their personal “family of origin” Holocaust-survivor psychodramas at public expense, while painting themselves as the second coming of Simon Weisenthal.

Just as it was originally invented to punish just one man, Section 13 was used extensively by just one man.

Sounds more like a dictatorship than a democracy, right?

None of the Jews who used and abused Section 13 were one-one millionth as brave as those who took part in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, let alone the riot at Christie Pits, but persecuting white trash (at a safe distance, natually) for daring to express opinions contrary to Trudeaupian “Canadian values” gave the Official Jews a little thrill. Then they got to  hand each other plastic awards at overpriced banquets. What fun!

That’s what it was always all about all along:

Upper class, educated, privileged Jews got to punish the white working class goyim who, they felt, were the same types of lowlifes who’d voted for Hitler and made up his brown shirts.

What’s good for the scapegoat, I guess…

By an amazing coincidence, today I came across two out-of-nowhere quotes about Nazis (or, more specificially, the distinct lack thereof) that made me think of Bernie and his loser friends.

Because their pathetic “Nazi-hunting” adventures were

Exhibit A:

Calling someone a Nazi is the easiest way to out oneself as a lunatic. As we’ve covered before, Hitler comparisons are par for the course on the Internet. You can’t legitimately call yourself a politician if you haven’t been compared to Hitler. But when someone calls someone else a Nazi, it just makes you wonder why they didn’t go full Hitler.

Do they think the accused is actually a card-carrying member of some secret Nazi party? It gives off the lunatic aroma of the weirdo Nazi memorabilia collectors like Marge Schott and Charles Manson. Hitler comparisons make it clear that they’re angry and probably stupid, and that their Caps Lock key could probably use a breather. Nazi comparisons suggest a much more permanent brand of insanity.

Exhibit B:

There aren’t enough Nazis 

For everyone you suspect to possibly be one.