5 Feet of Fury

Bill to strip ‘hate speech’ provisions from Human Rights Act passes third reading (UPDATE: Mark Steyn takes note!)

UPDATEMark Steyn says to Randall Garrison:

Clear off, you twerp.

I don’t want the state to have a “mandate” to “educate” the citizenry about their thought-crimes. Even if I did not object on principle, one thing I’ve learned during this five-year campaign is that the statist hacks Canada’s official opposition is so eager to empower are, almost to a man, woman and pre-op transsexual, either too stupid or bullying to be entrusted with the task. Mr Garrison himself would appear to be a fine example of the former, at least.

If it’s a choice between an unlovely citizenry with all its flaws or an overbearing state policing their opinions, I know which is the lesser evil. What a shame a “progressive” “liberal” “socialist” like Randall Garrison has such a low opinion of his fellow citizens.


Socialist jackass Randall Garrison does NOT approve:

New Democrat public safety critic Randall Garrison said Wednesday that, due to the large number of hate crimes, the human rights commission needs to have the power to combat the issue online and force individuals and groups to remove websites containing hateful speech.

Removing the sections from the human rights code will effectively strip the commission of its power to educate Canadians and shut down inappropriate websites, he said.

“We do have a serious problem,” Garrison said. “If you take away the power to take (websites) down, it’s not clear they have any mandate to even to talk to people about it and educate them about it.”

Just a reminder of the “websites containing hateful speech” that have been “removed” — before their offending content was…

reposted on a Government of Canada website.

If you wish to EDUCATE Mr Garrison about the evils of state censorship, or ask him how he’d like it if his website got shut down, here’s Randall Garrison’s contact information:

A2 – 100 Aldersmith Place
Victoria, BC
V9A 7M8

Tel: 250-405-6550
Fax: 250-405-6554

UPDATEJay Currie writes:

The odious Arthur Topham has, apparently, been arrested charged for hate speech under the still extant Criminal Code provisions against hate speech. Details are sketchy and, until they are clearer, I will reserve judgement. However, I can’t help but note that while Topham is the crudest sort of anti-Zionist (right up there with the Greg Feltons and Rabbles of this world) it is not so obvious that anything he has advocated has cleared the bar for Criminal Code hate speech.