5 Feet of Fury

NEW: My inevitable Luka Magnotta piece for Taki’s

Here’s a taste:

Unfortunately, Canadian media’s wall-to-wall Magnotta coverage has featured plenty of “criminal profilers” whose insights into “the mind of a serial killer” always sound about as original and profound as a pageant contestant’s prescription for world peace. (I’m normally bored by Malcolm Gladwell, but his debunking of “criminal profiling” as glorified table magic was damn convincing.)

So we’ve been gravely informed that Magnotta is a “narcissist” (gay) who “can’t develop healthy relationships” (gay) and “lives in a fantasy world” (gay). I was a resident of Toronto’s Boystown for a dozen years and own a boxed set of Cracker. Where’s my Ph.D.?

If these “experts” can air their theories, so can I:

Magnotta killed and ate that Chinese guy as revenge for the Chinese guy who killed and ate a white Canadian in 2008.

(The only difference is, Magnotta was hungry again an hour later.)