5 Feet of Fury

Brett Kimberlin and the Future of Blogbursts: my NEW piece at PJMedia

What’s next on the Brett Kimberlin front?

Alas, my Monday morning Google News search for “Brett Kimberlin” didn’t show any pickup by the MSM over the last four days, with the arguably mainstream exception of Slate.com.

(The Washington Times, Fox News, and Glenn Beck covered it, and they’re huge, but don’t count — they’re still “us.”)

My fellow Canadian blogger/co-defendant, Catherine McMillan of heavily trafficked and highly influential SmallDeadAnimals.com, might have figured out part of the reason why.

She’s run lots of successful online campaigns over the years, and she took part in the Brett Kimberlin blogburst.

But she sent me a frustrated email last Friday afternoon, printed here in full with her permission:

“SUBJECT: The Conservative blogosphere is sofa king retarded

“Re: the Kimberlin blogburst. What F***ING MORON picked the Friday before a long weekend???

“They always do this. Always.

“You may pass this on. Please.”