5 Feet of Fury

Bernie Farber calls me a ‘notorious blogging bigot’ — doesn’t have the balls to say my name

UPDATE comments:

Second, check out the Wikipedia article on Farber:

Wikie editors are complaining that much of the fawning article on him was written by a “close friend”…

UPDATE — Laura Rosen Cohen:

He is an expert on white supremacists? Isn’t Bernie white? Yes, I think so.

Bernie is a White Liberal Supremacist.

No wonder people like this feel they need state protection and censorship to fight their battles-they are incapable of fighting anything on their own.

UPDATEScaramouche writes:

And runner-up in the biggest bully category? Why it’s the chief commissar-in-waiting Bernie Farber, the former Official Jew who bullies folks in the name of “human rights” and its little poseur buddies, “tolerance” and “civility.” (…)

Bernie’s problem is that he wants to be worshipped by us, all the little people. And when the uppity few refuse to get with his veneration program, he lashes out and labels them “bullies” (which, with the possible exception of being “racist,” is the worst thing one can be these days).

How sad. And how terribly–how pathetically–petty.

Scaramouche also notes that Bernie Farber addressed a Muslim Brotherhood front group in 2007.

Bernie Farber quotes JFK, tells corny Hasidic story, spews other cliches, calls for “civility” and says “tolerance” is not enough — but his post (which he stupidly calls a “blog”) is mostly about how mean people are picking on him.

He also REALLY hates my “too stupid to really be Jewish” “insult.”

Please remind me to use it as often as possible.

This mental giant is gonna be the next head of the Ontario Human Rights Commission — and we’re gonna have SO much fun with that.

See who the real “bully” turns out to be when he’s in charge, and you’re paying his salary. Can you say “personal vendettas”?

PS: And yes, Bernie, you would be the perfect leader of a Holocaust Party.

I’m surprised you haven’t founded one yet.

You see everything through that personal, sixty-years-ago prism and worse, insist that everyone else see the world that way, too.

That makes you a myopic, and potentially dangerous, ideological idiot.

Idolatry is idolatry, be it the Golden Calf or the gates of Auschwitz.

Let’s take this opportunity to enjoy Mark Steyn’s three page takedown of Bernie “Nobody knows I’m gay” Farber once more:

Bernie Farber is not a wicked man, but he is a profoundly foolish one—by which I mean that his foolishness will have profound consequences for young Jews growing up in the Trudeaupia he helped make. “Israeli Apartheid Week” is Canada’s gift to the world, spawned in his backyard, on his watch: to soft-leftish university students (i.e., most of them), the conventional wisdom is that Israel is an illegitimate state of murderous war criminals squatting on the land of its victims.

Meanwhile, the most prominent and prosperous of Canadian Jewish groups pursues trivia—I don’t mean demanding apologies over his gay T-shirts, but far less entertaining distractions. His lawyers are now in the sixth year of their pursuit of Marc Lemire, a man of no consequence whatsoever to Canadian Jewry but whom they remain determined to notch to their escutcheon of irrelevant penniless shaven-headed nobodies even as Jew-hatred on a scale unseen since the Second World War metastasizes across the Western world.

Around mid-century, Canadian Jews (assuming there are any still living here) will look back at the CJC’s press clippings in wonder, and marvel why Bernie didn’t march in the parade wearing a T-shirt marked, “NOBODY KNOWS I’M JEWISH.”

That’s a joke, by the way—in case you’re thinking of suing.