5 Feet of Fury

‘This 19-year-old built his start up squatting at AOL’s campus’

Plus? You’ll never guess:

White dude!!  I sh*t you not!

Eric Simons, a 19-year-old entrepreneur from Chicago, secretly squatted at AOL’s Palo Alto campus for two months, reports CNET.

Simons was part of an incubator program hosted by AOL called K12. After the program ended, Simons discovered the badges still worked.

So he settled down at AOL to build his startup.

Here’s how he did it…


When Robert Scalzo’s mother “flatly refused to get him an airsoft gun for his birthday or Christmas, “he built himself a slingshot instead, using a Swiss Army knife to trim a V-shaped branch, attaching two rubber bands and adding a pouch made of hockey tape.” (…)

Patrick Corelli, meanwhile, built himself an air cannon “after his mother banned videogames when he was in sixth grade.” This fall he’ll enter the University of Pittsburgh,”with an engineering scholarship.”