5 Feet of Fury

While my blogger-husband breaks news (for free, at some risk), paper of record wonders why Canadian bloggers don’t do ‘original reporting’

As Kate put it beautifully:

“I’m not even sure this is worth linking to…”

I’m not joking when I say that I don’t know a single person who still reads the Globe & Mail.

I read Lynn Crosbie, and otherwise don’t remember it exists unless I see something about it on… a blog.

If you do still read the Globe & Mail, let me ask you again:


UPDATE — Arnie responds in their comments:

Simon my blog has broken stories on the East End Madrassah controversy, the TDSB Mosqueteria, both of which have gone international, and others such as DND’s cancellation of Islamist speakers.

My work has also contributed to the defunding of both Palestine House and the Canadian Arab Federation.

You read the wrong blogs.

The real joke will be:

If they delete it!