5 Feet of Fury

It’s Magic: What really happened with Carolla’s crew on Celebrity Apprentice last Sunday

I suck.

Adam Carolla doesn’t ALWAYS hire morons…

That “Magic Johnson’s ear” shot? He’s actually facing a second of three cameras.

They got the shots fine.

Audio explanation starts 12:55 minute mark:

As the show opens up, Adam talks about an edited clip on Celebrity Apprentice where members of the ACS crew were made to look like idiots.

Keep listening while Carolla complains:

“I’m the one who reads all the tweets — ‘Can’t you hire good people…?'”

Yeah, that was me.

Sorry, Semi-Retarded Gary, and Semi-Retarded Gary’s mom.

UPDATEThe only reasonable recap I’ve read:

It was heartening to see Adam Carolla back, and while they provided us with ANOTHER cliffhanger ending (the suspense is killing me, by boring me to death) which seemed to tease that Adam’s crew had ruined the Magic footage, I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that there is another take where Magic talks directly to camera.

Cruellers to kroner! This is not the only take. Although if there isn’t a second take, wow, Adam. Just wow. Aside from a moment of pique at Magic facing away from the camera during the first take of footage, Arsenio seemed way laid back in the smart, shrewd company of offstage comedians (as someone who’s spent time with off-duty comedians plenty, outside of a green room they’re the most pleasant company in the world. Inside a green room, look out! They will try to casually practice their material at you until you want to hide under a moving car. Green rooms: the ultimate crucible of the human psyche.) Meanwhile, the musicians had quickly dissolved into a quivering lump of wounded egos and scattered melodies.