5 Feet of Fury

‘Cracker’ is right: Did Obama (and/or Bill Ayers) steal a ‘true story’ from British TV?

Today I received an email from a loyal 5FF reader:

Glenn Beck references the story of a young black man bleaching himself in shame for the colour of his skin.

As you know, the problem being it didn’t happen.

What Beck doesn’t know is where Bill Ayers/Barry Obama lifted the story from. The answer…

Dreams of My Father, published 1995.

[The Cracker episodes] “Men Should Weep” aired in November 1994:

Floyd Malcolm is a young black man employed as a minicab driver while collecting social welfare. He is also a serial rapist. He cannot make love to his girlfriend because his legs are scarred after sitting in a bath of bleach when he was a boy which makes him very self conscious.”

The detail Ayers/Obama decided to omit from the biography is that Floyd Malcolm’s mother is white and he is raping white women in revenge for his mother’s supposed racism and as an expression of his deep seated self-loathing.

Whereas the storyline is an expression of the racism and deep seated self-loathing of British television writers.

I’m a big fan of the original Cracker series — who isn’t? — and recalled this plot line immediately.

However, I have my concerns about this theory.

So I replied:

ok but…

How would Obama/Ayers have seen Cracker in 1994? When was it available in the United States?

What month in 1995 was the book published? Final ms are “locked in” by publishers months before publication.

If anybody out there wants to take this on, go for it and let me know what you come up with, via email.