5 Feet of Fury

Another complaint about political correctness that will have no effect whatsoever


Around noon today, the comments at the DailyMail will hit the 200 mark, and they will all say the same thing:

“Somebody ought to DO something about this!”

Political correctness feeds on fear.

So: What are people afraid of?

People are afraid of losing their jobs and their pensions and their benefits.

They’re afraid their kids will be singled out for retribution at school if they complain about the cirriculum

They’re afraid of physical retribution the odds of which are about one billion to one.

We blame “political correctness” on “other people,” and tsk about it another day.

But you might be to blame for political correctness too.

Nothing this patently ridiculous would have survived this long without the average person’s cooperation.

By all means, keep your head down so you can keep your job or whatever.

What I’m saying is:

You then lose your right to complain.

It’s really that simple.

You’ve made your choice.

You shouldn’t get to enjoy the cheap frisson of embittered excitement you receive from tsking about The Outrage of the Day, from the comfort and safety of your little cubicle.

As long as you’re counting on somebody else to eliminate this regime, the regime will remain.

This isn’t a moral judgement. It’s simply a fact, a law of the universe, the way the world works.