5 Feet of Fury

And Dickens wept: What would we modern sophisticates do without ‘studies’ AND the New York Times?

Who else caught this over the weekend?

“Why is my son insane?

“Why does he act like Damien from The Omen?

“We’ve taken him to every doctor and nobody knows how this could have happened…”

If you want to be considered an enlightened modern human being, it’s essential to do stupid things to screw up your life then beg Science to help you.

Because God knows those crazy unscientific oppressive backward people from the olden days had nothing to teach us and we should just live for lurrrrrrvvvvve.

So you’re reading the NYT in the spring of 2012, and way down in paragraph 29 — that’s right: paragraph 29the reporter and the biological father of the insane child have a conversation in the kitchen:

Growing up, he said, he had also been a difficult child — albeit not so problematic as Michael.

“A lot of parents didn’t want me around their kids, because they thought I was crazy,” he said, closing his eyes at the memory.

“I didn’t listen to adults. I was always in trouble. My grades were horrible.

I would be walking down the street and I would hear them say, in Spanish: ‘Ay! Viene el loco!’ — ‘Here comes the crazy one.’ ”