5 Feet of Fury

‘Stop Rabbi Shmuley Boteach From Running for Congress. Please.’

Miranda Frum:

In the day of the interview, hours before Shmuley was scheduled to arrive, things began to get strange. I got a call from his assistant (this one nicknamed “Credendino”). He called to inform me that Shmuley had landed in Toronto and was starving. He demanded a Kosher meal be ready for the Rabbi. All I could think was, how old is this guy? Is he not capable of finding his own food?

Fortunately at the time, we had an intern working with us who was an Orthodox Jew.

I asked him to go to a nearby grocery store and get something that would be acceptable for the Rabbi to eat. The intern raced to the store, raced back to the Sun, armed with ingredients so he could personally make the Rabbi a Kosher-approved sandwich.

We thought the problem had been solved...

Boteach’s run seems to have something to do with… real estate…?

He declined to criticize Pascrell — one of his potential Democratic opponents — saying, “I don’t know him, and to my knowledge I have never met him.” But Boteach has much to say about Pascrell’s primary opponent, Steve Rothman.

“We had a warm relationship,” he said. But the closeness came apart when the Libyan ambassador to the United Nations, Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgham, moved next door to the Boteach home.