5 Feet of Fury

Japan: Nuked too much, or not enough?

Still hard to say.

Anyway, now let’s pick on the Chinese:

“A world dominated by China would be a brutal and unpleasant place. There is no inherent kindness or generosity, no sympathy for the weak in Chinese culture. 

China never revered a God who has a special love for the widow and the fatherless. Perhaps that will change.  A tenth of Chinese now profess Christianity and more may in the future.

I want America to prevail. To do that we must make the Chinese leadership respect and fear us, rather than merely annoy them.”


The significant presence of Feng Shui in Vancouver, certainly in relation to housing was demonstrated in January of 2011, when a 15 bed hospice was proposed. The location was set to be in close proximity to the UBC campus, and would be built next to the Promontory, a high rise condominium, where two bedroom condos sell for one million. Due to the many residents in the Promontory of Asian descent, and their belief that living close to the dead brings on bad luck, a surge of opposition to the proposal was came into effect.


It’s a real hoot watching the local Chinese factions– to see who flaunts the biggest (fake) brand name label thing; who converses the loudest in a public setting … and who can best perfect the fine art of reverse bragging!