5 Feet of Fury

Never mind his girlfriends’ real names — what the hell is Obama’s?

If anyone wonders why “birther”/”Kenyan Candidate” stuff ever gained traction, it’s stuff like this:

“Barack Obama” was trying on different names for himself, as late as age 22, like a 12-year-old girl from the 1970s, practicing her fantasy “Laura Jean Bonaduce” signature.

Congratulations, America:

You put Marsha Brady in the White House!

(Actually, she’d probably do a better job.)

“Progressives” love adopting fake ethnic identities, huh?

It’s almost like they’re overcome with self-loathing (while being ruthless careerist hacks.)

Just a reminder:

If you’re a white person, and you say, “I’m a white person” — you’re a crazy, stupid bigot.

If you’re a white person, and you pretend to be a member of another race — you’re a sane, brilliant, enlightened sophisticate.

Hope that’s clear!