5 Feet of Fury

Ashton Kutcher uproar: ‘What’s with the racist brownface video you talentless, pretending to care about sex trafficking piece of s***?’

Remember: Ashton Kutcher is an enlighted progressive activist who voted for Obama!

Blogger and entrepreneur Anil Dash also wrote a lengthy entry on his website about his disgust at the advert.

He said: ‘It’s a hackneyed, unfunny advertisement featuring Kutcher in brownface talking about his romantic options, with the entire punchline being that he’s doing it in a fake-Indian outfit and voice. That’s it, there’s seriously no other gag.

‘Naturally, a bunch of us (initially mostly Indian diaspora members whom I follow on Twitter) started complaining about it, and a number of like-minded allies also registered their offense as well.

‘I can’t imagine I have to explain this to anyone in 2012, but if you find yourself putting brown makeup on a white person in 2012 so they can do a bad “funny” accent in order to sell potato chips, you are on the wrong course.’