5 Feet of Fury

Dan Savage keeps on digging (with his pretty pink shovel!)

We’re here! We’re queer!! We never really apologize because everything we do is right!!!

But wait it… gets better:

You always suspected that Perez Hilton was a bareback horseman of the apocalypse, but not like THIS!

When Perez Hilton makes sense, that’s your cue to stock up on non-perishable food…

UPDATE — via email, a loyal 5FF reader makes a brilliant point:

These “brave” anti-bullying campaigners are, paradoxically, not only bullies themselves — but cowards as well:

“Where is Dan Savage condemning Islamic or Black savagery against gays? 

“You won’t find it because Savage is a pussy who depends on white Christians to forbear from killing him AND keep him safe at night.

“Hopefully next time he needs help Seattle PD takes the loooonnng way to his house.”