5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad vs Dan Savage: ‘Tiptoeing Through a Minefield of Pansy Asses’

Nice, but my title would’ve been “Fists Are For, Er… Fisting! Not Fighting!! (Yeah, That’s It! I’m a F***ing Genius!!)”

Anyhow, here’s the best smackdown (alas, he’d probably love it…) of gay anti-bullying bully Dan Savage so far, brought to you by Jim Goad:

Although it remains unclear exactly what buggery has to do with ethical reporting, Professional Homosexual Dan Savage was there to unravel the mystery to a group of Seattle teens on April 13 at the National High School Journalism Convention.

When he started ripping into the Bible—calling it “bullshit” and accusing it of not only being wrong about homosexuality, but also about slavery, masturbation, virginity, and, yes, shellfish—small clusters of students stood up and began leaving.

Their exodus was largely quiet. They did not try to shout him down or sprinkle him with holy water. (…)

What’s the currently acceptable term for a gay male blogger? A blaggot? A glogger? A blomo? Whatever it is, Dan Savage is probably the most prominent one…

 UPDATE — Mark Shea, who coined the phrase “Gay brownshirts on the march!” so many years ago, adds:

I bet there aren’t many 48 year olds who can humiliate kids less than half his age as well as he can. (…)

Dan Savage wins this year’s Son of Ernst Rohm Award for Most Repellent Representative of Gay Community.