Abe “Hey, I know: Let’s condemn… Rush Limbaugh!” Foxman and some other “Official Jews” just keep bringing the stupid.
During this sermon, the imam solicited his congregation for donations to Hamas-affiliated charities in the Gaza Strip, and he praised dead Gaza fighters as martyrs.
In other sermons posted on his open site, Elturk defames American democracy, American society, and moderate Muslims — and he describes in exquisite detail the ways in which Westernized Muslim women will suffer in Hell for their libertine ways.
When some members of the Detroit Jewish community spoke out online against the synagogue’s embrace of Imam Elturk, 38 Detroit rabbis — following Foxman’s logic, it would seem — co-signed a letter (a Jewish fatwa?) condemning the anonymous dissenters for being “uncivil.”
The president of the local Jewish Community Relations Council came out in favor of silencing the “online demagogues” and, channeling Stalin or Mao, promised to “set appropriate standards for conversation.”