5 Feet of Fury

What part of ‘you’re lazy and stupid’ don’t women understand?

Kay Hymowitz explains why women make less than men:

Most people have heard that full-time working American women earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. Yet these numbers don’t take into account the actual number of hours worked. And it turns out that women work fewer hours than men.

A just-released report from the New York Federal Reserve has even found that “opting-out” by midcareer college-educated wives, especially those with wealthy husbands, has been increasing over the past 20 years.

Among working mothers with minor children, 60% said they would prefer to work part-time, while only 21% wanted to be in the office full-time (and 19% said they’d like to give up their job altogether).

How about working fathers? Only 12% would choose part-time and 70% wanted to be full-time.

Proof that women are stupid and lazy is that this is the 18,525th article like this written in the last twenty five years, and women still don’t “get” it because evidently they can’t be bothered reading any of them!

It’s not just math that’s “hard” — so is reading, I guess!

I’ve said it before:

If I still had a “real” (i.e. pointless, paper pushing cubicle) job, and my husband could support both of us, I would quit it the day after I got married.

Lazy, stupid women want to stay home to eat bonbons and watch TV.

The much smaller number of smart, ambitious women want to stay home so they can pursue their real talents in leisure.

Note on the audio below:

Carolla frequently notes that the only beautiful women he’s ever met who are also articulate and intelligent (and “know about wars”) are… Canadian ones.