Though [author Michael Savage] expresses a personal dislike for media mogul Rupert Murdoch (the feeling is mutual), he defends the latter against his rival, left-wing financier George Soros (though he fears Soros is winning).
Murdoch’s (now-shuttered) News of the World in London had indeed “violated the privacy rights” of convicted pedophiles. Largely ignored by the media’s anti-Murdoch echo chamber, notes Savage, is that “dozens and dozens of the pedophiles were out of prison and living in neighborhoods with young families with small children.”
Savage reports that “most Britons” do not believe government’s responsibility to protect the privacy rights of pedophiles should supersede the safety of kids. The “child-molesting felons” were forced to move away as a result of the investigative reports.
Moreover, Mr. Savage cites, Murdoch rivals in Britain who were guilty of far more egregious privacy violations.
Singling out Murdoch, the author contends, was part of an attempt to neuter the Murdoch-owned Fox News on this side of the pond in time to save Obama in the upcoming election.