5 Feet of Fury

Lee Harvey Oslo ‘insists that he is sane. I believe him’

Nicholas Farrell writes:

Nearly every time I read something Breivik has said about Europe’s “Islamification” being enabled by the Euro left’s ideology of multiculturalism I find myself thinking: “He’s right.”

This defines me instantly as a “right-wing racist extremist” and therefore both “insane” and “evil.”

I am not alone in my insane and evil right-wing racist extremist thoughts. I reckon that most Europeans think exactly the same way as me. It is merely that they are too afraid, or not allowed, to say so. But I am also certain that neither I nor the majority in Europe are right-wing racist extremists, nor are we insane or evil.

We are simply normal. It’s multiculturalism that is abnormal.

As George Jonas observed at the time:

Some lament that Breivik is a right-wing nutcase; others rub their hands in glee. Both are wasting their time. Misdeeds don’t invalidate ideas anymore than ideas validate misdeeds. When people who are wrong try to discredit people who are right on the basis of something the lunatic Norwegian said in the days when he was only shooting off his mouth, remember that 2×2=4, even if the Unabomber says so.