5 Feet of Fury

‘Sit a normal, American 6 year old down at a plate and tell him it’s dog meat’

Kate at SDA suggests, and “See what happens.”


The gnawing feeling that Obama isn’t a “real” American gets harder to ignore.

As Mark Steyn wrote:

With hindsight, this is what drove both the birthers and the countering cries of racism.

Detractors and supporters alike were trying to explain something that was at first vaguely palpable and then became embarrassingly obvious: it’s not so much that he’s foreign to America, but that America is foreign to him.

Outside the cloisters of Hyde Park and a few other enclaves, he doesn’t seem to get America.

Not because he was born in Kenya or wherever, but because he’s the first president to be marinated his entire life in a post-modern, post-American cultural relativism.

What’s worrying about Obama is not that he’s weird but that he’s so typical of much of the [elite]; in that sense, his post-Americanness is all too American.

PS to Kate’s detractor: I think the dog pooped because it was a pretty long drive.

Also, Kate is a professional dog handler, so…