5 Feet of Fury

Michael Coren’s new book ‘Heresy: Ten Lies They Tell About Christianity’ launches tomorrow

Here’s the scoop:

In Heresy, (McClelland & Stewart, 2012) Michael Coren explores why and how Christians and Christian ideas are caricatured in popular media as well as in sophisticated society.

He takes on, and debunks, ten great myths about Christianity: such as, that it supports slavery, is racist, anti-intellectual, anti-Semitic, provokes war, resists progress, is repressive and irrelevant, that Jesus didn’t exist, and that there are contradictions in the faith.

In a climate that is increasingly as ignorant of Christianity as it is good at condemning it, Coren gives historical background, provides examples of how these attacks are made, and explains the reality of the Christian response, outlining authentic Christian beliefs.