5 Feet of Fury

Michael Coren on the latest ‘anti-gay’ hate crime

Michael Coren writes:

I’m not downplaying the death of this poor man in Halifax, but we should be mourning him as a human being, rather than as an activist and the possible — oh, wouldn’t it be great — victim of an anti-gay hate crime.

The real story here is that if the arrested man is indeed the killer, he shouldn’t have been out at all, and the people who gave him the one-hour pass to walk freely in the streets of Halifax should be reprimanded, fired, or even charged for their actions. I strongly doubt they will be.

There was a time when we loved and remembered people for their worth, not because of their sexuality or race. Good people we missed, bad people less so.

Those who harmed or even killed them were charged and perhaps convicted according to their crime, and not according to the preferences or politics of their victim.