5 Feet of Fury

Alternative non-illegal ways to mess with Omar Khadr?

How about holding up photos of the medic he killed, Christopher Speer, wherever Khadr goes?

Remember to complain whenever newspapers leave Speer’s name out of stories about Khadr, and remind people that “Speer was awarded the Soldier’s Medal for risking his life to save two Afghan children who were trapped in a minefield, on July 21, 2002, two weeks before his death.”

Another way to turn this to our advantage:

The next time the left complains about anyone being allowed to enter Canada — such as Geert Wilders — we throw Khadr back in their faces.

UPDATE — a reader writes:

Kathy, I just watched your interview with Michael Coren regarding the return of Omar Khadr. Another tactic of the left is drowning out the messenger with some inane chant or song. I have thought of one to greet Omar with at any public event he attends. How about ‘Who let the dog out? Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof!’

It works on many levels. Also, besides your idea of pine cones, I’d suggest bacon wrapped pineapples, though they might be too heavy to throw, who in the Khadr cadre would dare touch one if left in his presence?