5 Feet of Fury

But I LIKE that Romney ‘has an elevator for his cars.’ Sorry…

Envy of the rich and successful is ugly and counterproductive, whether it’s coming from educated, affluent blacks (like Obama & Co.) or from lazy, working class Irishmen.


It just occurred to me that the author’s surname might lead some to think I was referring to him as a “lazy, working class Irishman.” I honestly didn’t notice that possible connection until now. I was honestly thinking of generic Irishmen, who are notoriously jealous of anyone more accomplished than they are.


James Kirkpatrick’s “Derbyshire, Weissberg, And Dog-Whistling: Conservatism Inc’s Uneasy Balancing Act” contains something to annoy everyone…

As much as the conservative movement is driven by fear of the multicultural Left, it is driven far more by fear of its own base.

As with most all irrational cults, human sacrifice is a necessity for conservatism to be sustained. The list of casualties is ever growing and the room for dissent is shrinking.

But there is a ground for hope. Conservative sites such as the Daily Caller, Breitbart.com, The Blaze, and the Drudge Report, have defined themselves almost solely by channeling implicit white racial resentment, for example in response to the Trayvon Martin case. (…)

A simple glance at the comments sectionsshows the natives are getting restless.