5 Feet of Fury

Awesome: Tory ad proudly depicts ‘Alberta oil SANDS’ using photo of OFF SHORE derrick — flying ChiCom flag

I don’t even want to think about what they paid some Toronto consultancy firm to produce that.

From Ezra Levant’s new column:

But there was something that just didn’t fit about the ad. It didn’t look like anything in the oilsands. The oilsands are on the ground. This looked like a boat, actually. There was no ground. You know, no sand in the oilsands.

A keen-eyed blogger named Stephen Taylor zoomed in and saw that it was indeed a boat — an offshore oil rig. In the Yellow Sea. Flying two Red Chinese communist flags.

But to Redford’s Toronto strategists, it’s all the same. Oil is oil, right? Offshore rig, oilsands, whatever. Anyone who complains is just an extremist, right?

Things really get good at the 10-min. mark: