5 Feet of Fury

Brian Lilley: The rich already pay their fair share

A favorite leftwing trick:

Pretend that a horrible reform you successfully implemented decades ago STILL hasn’t been put in place and WE’VE GOT TO DO SOMETHING!!! that’s already being done.

Brian Lilley writes:

Defenders of the so-called “progressive” tax system will claim that this is as it should be.

But if the rich are already paying more, significantly more, how can these people then claim that the rich also are not paying their fair share.

It makes no sense.

Neither does @WendyPeters.

If, as Lilley says, we have hard statistical evidence proving that the “wealthy pay the most in tax and the biggest percentage of their income”, then they’re obviously doing a piss poor job of supposedly “hiding it in loopholes or in offshore accounts,” aren’t they?

How can all this money be visible and invisible at the same time? </schrodinger’s cat>