5 Feet of Fury

‘Why Skipping College Was One of the Smartest Decisions of My Life’: my latest at PJMedia

It’s a review of Aaron Clarey’s Worthless: The Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major

Today, we have more and more people chasing more and more worthless degrees. For those of us without either children or degrees ourselves, the spectacle resembles nothing short of a zombie movie, set during Tulipmania.

Reading Worthless was spooky at times. Like me, Clarey’s been saying for years that BAs are today what high school diplomas used to be:

That is, so commonplace that not having one makes no difference if you’re a genius, an energetic entrepreneur or both.

Like me, he believes too many people are being pushed into getting a degree (i.e., brainwashed in junk science and political correctness at their own expense) when they should be learning a trade or just plain left alone.

And like me, Clarey thinks lots of would-be students should use the money they’re wasting on tuition as start up capital instead.