5 Feet of Fury

Getting Derbed: or, Shorter Rich Lowry

Translated by me, from the original NROspeak:

“John Derbyshire wrote stuff like this for years, and we got to brag about having a genius on staff. But then one day Other People noticed and gave us 24 hours of virtual grief, so we dumped him.”

Old and tired? “Moped.” New hotness? “Getting Derbed.”

Conservatives are supposed to be acutely attuned to the Law of Unintended Consequences, but behold:

There are now over 2000 comments at Derbyshire’s column at Takis.

(Where, also predictably, hardly anyone on the “progressive” side is a) clicking on Derb’s citations/links or b) refuting them with their own)

Looks like that “candid discussion about race” is gonna sort of happen whether Establishment Beltway Careerist Think Tank Conservatives want it to or not.