5 Feet of Fury

Diane Keaton now regrets being a single mother


From the comments:

Better for her daughter that she is a single mother, rather than having Woody Allen as a step dad!

Amazingly RELATED — from our “What Color is Your Nanny?” files:

With the benefit of hindsight, Mars believes that her decision to use au pairs may also have caused her children to suffer in other ways. ‘Tess was looked after by an English childminder as a toddler, and her speech came on brilliantly,’ says Mars.

‘But Tom and Poppy were taken care of by au pairs from the beginning. Tom was slow to speak, while Poppy was about two-and-a-half before she started putting words together. (…)

Child psychologist and author Oliver James believes many parents fail to recognise the extent to which a  care-giver influences their offspring.

‘You’ll find two Oxbridge-educated parents, both high-achievers working very long hours, who are surprised when their children turn out to have behavioural or emotional problems,’ says James.

‘They think they have passed on intrinsically superior genes, when really that’s only a small part of it.