5 Feet of Fury

How many suicides will we blame on Lady Gaga? My latest at Taki’s

“Death by Diva”:

Take 16-year-old Campbell Kenneford, who told the Daily Mail that Lady Gaga inspired him to have a sex change. Exactly how many “Campbells” are out there is impossible to know, but no doubt you’ve noticed we’re being incrementally pushed to prepare a place for a multitude of trannies.

The trouble is, sex-change “regret” is very real and occasionally fatal. (…)

What will future generations, flipping through the 22nd century’s version of Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, make of their ancestors’ bizarre fad for sexual mutilation? Why, wasn’t it obvious that the practice was barbaric quackery? Why did “experts” ignore all the anecdotal and statistical evidence that encouraging these sick individuals in their delusions was cruel and often fatal?