5 Feet of Fury

As I’ve been telling you: even standup comedians have bought into p.c. ‘hate speech’ bullsh*t

I’ve noticed this for a while: the younger generation of so-called comedians have swallowed everything they were taught in school about “racism” and “sexism” and “homophobia.”

They are earnest, unfunny clods.

And they are dangerous.

SHECKY has been a rare exception to the numerous “comedy” blogs/sites in that it rejects speech codes, censorship and other foolishness.

Today they take to task a fellow comic who was given a forum at CNN.com to declare:

    So, here is the big question: What exactly is the line that comedians are prohibited from breaching? What type of joke crosses from killing the crowd to killing your career?

    To me, the answer depends on two factors.

   Are you a famous comedian? And what type of joke is it?

    But to me, the more important factor in determining if a comedian — famous or not — has crossed the line of decency is to look at the subject matter of the joke.

    While I absolutely support freedom of speech, comedians deserve to suffer consequences if they make hateful jokes about race, ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

Isn’t that eye-wateringly stupid? Seriously: I was tearing up at the sheer retard on display there.

Anyway, do read SHECKY’s response. As always, it is much more calm and polite than anything I could say here.